Nourison Nourison 2000 2207 Beige Area Rug

Product Description

Nourison has built a reputation for high-quality s and carpets of all styles, but in creating its signature line, designers reached back to the company’s roots. The Nourison 2000 Collection proudly projects the rich colors and patterns of the traditional Persian rug. The dense, luxurious pile handcrafted from pure New Zealand wool and silk accents results in a rug of unmatched durability and opulence, making it an heirloom that will add years of beauty and vintage style to your home. Nourison 2000 rugs come in more than 50 distinct designs in a variety of shapes, including rug runners, oval, round, and octagonal. With sizes suitable for any room, you can imbue your entire home with Old World charm and elegance. Do you have a question about the Nourison Nourison 2000 2207 Beige Area Rug? Call us now at 1-800-368-2621.

Brand: Nourison
Collection: Nourison 2000
Construction: Hand Tufted
Origin: China
Material: 80% New Zealand Wool, 20% Silk
Pile Height: Medium
Color: Beige
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